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One Step Away Lyrics - Run Away

I thought I´d never find what I truly need
it´s all inside my head and now I see
This anger built up inside comes out in such away
My love interferes with my life, it´s led me to this state.

Through the door the light shines through
don´t know what to expect, but Life is all anticipations….
Why does the world spin?
Why does time go on?
Just keep on runnin’, but we’re getting nowhere

I always used to hide from what I thought was the truth
But what I came to realize with no help from you
it´s one big web of lies, just a sick twisted game
Running circles again and everything’s the same


Gonna wait until you see the light
But until the dark of night
Why think when they think for you
Then they’re their thoughts not yours



[Run Away Lyrics
Copyrighted © 2008 along with song performance by One Step Away]


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